How to Plant Water Lilies in Your Pond
If you are considering starting a water garden or adding a water garden to your ecosystem pond, you have likely considered planting water lilies. These vibrant blooms are easy to grow compared to other aquatic plants, but they must still be planted carefully to ensure optimal health. That is why the experts at Fontana Ponds & Water Features have compiled some information to help you understand how to plant water lilies in your pond and keep them healthy.
Learn what to consider when designing an ecosystem pond for your property.
4 Elements to Consider When Planting Water Lilies
To ensure that your water lilies stay healthy and vibrant, be sure to consider the following elements when planting them:
1. The Pot and Planter
When planting water lilies, you should always choose a pot or container that is as large as you can fit within your pond. Pots that are too small can stunt the growth of water lilies and cause them to produce fewer blooms. Larger varieties of water lilies should be planted in pots that are at least 12” in diameter while small or dwarf varieties can be planted in smaller containers with an 8” diameter. In addition to the pot/container, you will need to choose a suitable planter. Flexible aquatic planters come in a variety of sizes and are a very good choice for planting water lilies and marginal pond plants. Many also come with small rope handles to make it easier to lower them into the pond.
2. Soil
When it comes to water lilies, heavy soil is best. Pure clay, a mixture of topsoil, or products such as Aquascape planting media work well for water lilies. While some may choose to place their water lilies in gravel, this is not an ideal choice because it will allow the fertilizer to get into the pond and disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.
3. Fertilizer
Water lilies have voracious appetites and perform best when they are fed well with quality fertilizer. There are several types of aquatic plant fertilizers available. All fertilizers are graded on a 3 number system such as 20-20-20. These 3 numbers stand for the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium respectively. A ratio of 10-14-8 tends to work well for most ponds and water lilies, though a professional can help you find the perfect solution for your precise needs.
4. Location
Be sure to consider sun exposure when choosing a location for your new water lilies. Most varieties need a minimum of 6 hours of sun, though they will perform best in an area that receives at least 8-10 hours of direct sun. A few shade-tolerant waterlilies will prosper with as little as 4 hours of sunlight, so be sure to choose these if your yard does not get much sun.
To learn more about planting a water garden for your pond or to inquire about our pond installation solutions, get in touch with the team at Fontana Ponds & Water Features. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services.